Wang Yi and French President's Diplomatic Counselor Emmanuel Bonne Hold China-France Strategic Dialogue
2023-10-30 23:55

On October 30, 2023, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Director of the Office of the Central Commission for Foreign Affairs Wang Yi and French President's Diplomatic Counselor Emmanuel Bonne held the 24th China-France Strategic Dialogue in Beijing. The two sides had friendly and in-depth exchanges on China-France and China-European Union (EU) relations as well as international and regional issues. They agreed to give full play to the important role of the strategic dialogue, push forward the development of bilateral relations at a high level, and work together to cope with global challenges.

Wang Yi said, today's international situation is changing and turbulent with mounting challenges. Under the strategic guidance of the two heads of state, China-France relations have moved forward steadily, providing valuable stability in an uncertain world. Standing at the crossroads of the times, China and France, as independent major countries, should shoulder their own responsibilities, take the common understandings of the two heads of state as fundamental guidance, and adhere to mutual respect, win-win cooperation, exchanges and mutual learning, to build a China-France comprehensive strategic partnership that is stable, mutually beneficial, enterprising and dynamic, steer the steady and sustained growth of China-EU relations with a positive and dynamic China-France relationship, and jointly advance the solidarity and progress of the international community.

Wang Yi said, sixty years ago, China and France made the political decision to establish diplomatic relations, breaking the Cold War barrier and promoting democracy in international relations and a multi-polar world. The world today is facing the risk of the division again. The times call on China and France to renew the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations, work together to uphold the core role of the United Nations, advocate and practice true multilateralism, resist camp confrontation, and jointly address global challenges. Next year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France. This is both a milestone and a new starting point. It is of special significance to China and France, Europe and the world at large. China is ready to work with France to follow through on the important common understandings between the two heads of state, cement the foundation of the public support of the two countries, continuously unleash the cooperation potential in the post-pandemic era, constantly consolidate political mutual trust, and bring the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries to a new level. China welcomes more French companies to invest and do business in China, and hopes that France will provide a fairer business environment for Chinese companies.

Emmanuel Bonne said, under the guidance of the two heads of state, France and China have established a comprehensive and strategic partnership of global significance, which has contributed to world peace and stability. France attaches great importance to developing relations with China, values China's status and role in the world, has confidence in China's economy, and has no intention to restrict China's development. The 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and China in 2024 is an important opportunity for the consolidation and restarting of bilateral relations. France is ready to work with China to jointly plan the celebration events, deepen cooperation in various fields, strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges, enhance mutual understanding, and bring more benefits to the two peoples. Facing the risk of the division in the world, France and China should strengthen cooperation, play the role of permanent members of the Security Council, steer the course, promote solidarity and meet challenges. The two sides can closely coordinate on issues of global interest such as sustainable development, biodiversity and climate change response, strengthen North-South exchanges, promote East-West dialogue, and achieve common development of the world. France will continue to stick to the one-China principle.

The two sides had an exchange of views on China-EU relations. Wang Yi stressed, China and the EU are partners, not rivals, and the common interests of the two sides far outweigh their differences. China views the EU as an independent and important pole in a multi-polar world. Bilateral relations have inherent logic and strong impetus. Wang Yi expressed the hope that the EU will carry out cooperation with China with a more pragmatic and rational attitude, avoid external interference, ensure mutual openness and promote the stable development of bilateral relations. Emmanuel Bonne said, France is committed to advancing EU-China cooperation. The EU and China can step up coordination on international hotspot issues and show the world that both sides can play an important role together.

The two sides also had an exchange of views on issues including the Ukraine crisis, Palestine-Israel conflict, climate change, and artificial intelligence.

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